Montreal, Quebec: a couple is arguing. He and she talk and talk, but don't listen to each other. Their emotions overwhelm them, brutally. Across the ocean, men, women and children set sail on makeshift boats. In search of a better future, these uprooted people attempt to reach new lands and loved ones on the waves. Only to start all over again, somewhere else.

A devastating work filled with lyricism and political scope, L’amour telle une cathédrale ensevelie tells the tragic story of exiled and dislocated Haitian families. Born into one of these families, author and director Guy Régis Jr composes a cathartic opera-theatre in Creole and French. Accompanied by Haitian classical guitarist Amos Coulanges, a chorus sings of hope and despair, of mourning the countless people lost at sea and the relentless journeys from Haiti to Canada, from Senegal to France...

Warning: 15 years +.

Stroboscopic lights, video sequences of migrant deaths and struggles.

English and French subtitles available on our tablets at every performance.





PRESS REVIEW (photos: Christophe Péan)


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Production NOUS Théâtre (France/Haiti)

Written and directed by Guy Régis Jr.

Assistant director Hélène Lacroix

Nathalie Vairac The intrepid son's mother

Frédéric Fachena / François Kergourlay The retired husband

Dérilon Fils The intrepid son, one of the chorus, tenor

Déborah-Ménélia Attal One of the chorus, soprano

Aurore Ugolin One of the chorus, mezzo soprano

Jean-Luc Faraux One of the chorus, bass-baritone

Composition and guitar Amos Coulanges

Set and costume design Velica Panduru

Set design Tukuma Works, Ioan Moldovan

Lighting design Marine Le Vey

Video creation Dimitri Petrovic

Sound design François Van Opstal

Stage Manager Samuel Dineen

Illustration Jazz Aline




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