At 18, on a tangled path leading only to regret, Isabelle hopes to discover herself. With the help of a cab driver, will she find the right path? It's not easy when the people who love you so much don't always understand where you are.
A new TCM creation for the 2024-2025 season, ‘Here and There’ is a newly devised piece by a group of young people that want to be heard. They are tired of living with a narrative that doesn’t represent who they truly are. The transition out of adolescence is more complex than we think. Theatre is here to guide us through these realities: regret, love, uncertainty, and so much more! And after all, can a single decision as a young adult really change the course of a lifetime?
Subtitles available in English and French.
Content warnings
13 years + | Use of smoke machine, herbal cigarette, coarse language.
Post-show talkbacks
Following the performances on January 16th and 23rd, you are invited to stay in the theatre for a discussion with the artists.
Childcare service
Available on Friday, January 24 in the TCM Studio. Reservations are closed.
This service is offered by the Fédération des parents de la francophonie manitobaine (FPFM).
Press (EN)
Awkward stage onstage. The Free Press, Ben Waldman.
Emerging actors give voice to new adulthood in 'Un peu partout'. Classic 107, Nolan Kehler.
Press (FR)
Un peu partout : la jeunesse s'exprime sur scène au TCM. Radio-Canada, Maggie Wilcox.
Le théâtre comme véhicule de cohésion. Radio-Canada, Culture et confiture.
Une relève pour le monde théâtral francophone. La Liberté, Hugo Beaucamp.
Entrevue avec Amélie Tétrault et Philippe Habeck. Envol91FM, Caroline Touchette et Jean Fontaine.
Produced by Théâtre Cercle Molière
Written by Mikaël Beaudry, Andreas Detillieux, Madison Nelson, Lizzie Rochon, Jordan Showers, Amélie Tétrault
Cast : Mikaël Beaudry, Andreas Detillieux, Madison Nelson, Lizzie Rochon, Jordan Showers, Amélie Tétrault
Directed by Mikaël Beaudry, Andreas Detillieux, Philippe Habeck, Madison Nelson, Lizzie Rochon, Jordan Showers, Amélie Tétrault
With the support of Philippe Habeck
Stage Manager: Sarah Lamoureux
Lighting Design: Dean Cowieson
Sound Design: Marie-Josée Dandeneau
Set Design: Kate George
Costume Design: Marie Rosette Mikulu
Makeup Design: Isabelle Shaw
Sponsor of the play

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