
With Frisky and Agile, Jocelyn Sioui brings Auhaïtsic, an unlikely Wendat hero, back to life. How does this illustrious stranger, who inspires distrust among his own people, manage to save his nation from extinction and change the course of history? A seasoned puppeteer and fabulous storyteller, Jocelyn Sioui has fun bringing colorful, larger-than-life characters out of the shadows. Author of Mononk Jules, which he adapted for the stage, Sioui knows that sleeping dogs lie in wait.

Frisky and Agile is based on the tale of the same name, written by Jocelyn Sioui and published by Éditions Hannenorak.

"Hold on to your hats. From here on in, it's a story that follows the force of the current." - Jocelyn Sioui (from the book of the same name).

Subtitles available in English and French.

Childcare available on Friday, April 18 in the TCM Studio. In partnership with FPFM.

Content warnings

12 ans + (ages +)

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Director: Jocelyn Sioui

Produced by Jocelyn Sioui and Productions Illusion Fabuleuse.

Our season is available thanks to our funders.