Frisky and Agile oscillates between truths and untruths, between reality and fiction. To undo and remake myths. But also to set the record straight. Art often relies on the embellishment or transformation of truth. In art, storytelling and writing, a little lying is the norm. We never stop inventing, even if sometimes we're very close to the truth.
In the form of a writing workshop, following a short introduction to the work Frisky and Agile, Jocelyn Sioui invites participants to use a personal story and introduce false elements (for example, in the show Frisky and Agile, the anonymous Jesuit or the group of 7 characters come from the artist's imagination). Afterwards, the stories are shared so that participants can work as a group to distinguish the true from the false.
*This is not a workshop on misinformation, it's a creative workshop to develop imagination and the art of storytelling.
This workshop will take place in French.
Hosted by Jocelyn Sioui
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