Two friends, Mamby and Hélène, one living in Senegal, the other in Canada. What they have in common is burning feet, one on hot sand, the other in winter boots! What sets them apart is that one lives in an abundance of water, snow and ice, while the other fetches water, which she carries in basins. "MAMBY: I think water transmits everything we say. Water hears all languages. This precious liquid, lacking in many places, is the main character of this show. Before our very eyes, Hélène and Mamby give life and voice to the different forms that water takes: spring water, well water, dirty water, rainwater... . They express the challenges, fears, frustrations and worries they face due to the lack or overabundance of water, taking us on a journey from the Sahel in Africa to North America.

Duration: 50 minutes

Levels: from grade2 upwards for a maximum of 120 people.

*Price: This performance may be subsidized by the FCCF Passepart program. Learn more at

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Coproduction Motus théâtre de Trois-Rivières, Québec and Association Djarama, Senegal

Text by Mamby Gomis and Hélène Ducharme

Directed by Mamby Gomis and Hélène Ducharme

Our season is available thanks to our funders.